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“The reason why the seven stars are no more than seven is a pretty reason.”
“Because they are not eight.”
“Yes, indeed, thou wouldst make a good fool.”
Have you seen the bridge?
how about del paxton their album bad kids is a parody of randomly selected jazz classics and the musicianship is not that bad for 17 year olds however the lyrical content is not funny in the slighest get a sense of humor del paxton kids what is wrong with you
We have constructed pyramids in honor of our escaping
In der tatsächlich stattfindenden Welt, abseits von Benchmarks und Prozessorleistung, vielleicht sogar als Pendler, kann man mit einem Bustakt von einem Millihertz, das ist mehr als dreimal die Stunde, durchaus zufrieden sein. - Gunkl