About me
america is awesome .. miss u all.. but don't wanna come home
°°°ein leben ohne punkte wär ein leben nur mit streifen°°°
5D- wo künstler auf wissenschaftler treffen...
"hey roger, wanna watch tv?
"are we talking about sex or television? - only in america could a question like this arise"
"i'm available roger.."
"floyd, i have a friend,.."
"i doubt that julia!"
the fourth wall. just awesome

let's get retarded,
everything is retarded.
you are retarded,
thi sis retarded./// retarded is awesome.
(sean, kei, vanessa, ... DORMer)
oh, no problem, that's acceptable in austria
(-> bianca&emily)
"ingriiiiiiid. ich hab huuuunger"
"nerv mi ned katha"
"iiingriiiiid, HUNGA
"katha, her auf..."
•••• xD jaja 4 punkte ingrid,