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Take off - Whats:The:Time?@LVL7

Take off - Whats:The:Time?

Sa., 03. Mär. 2012 22:00 @ LVL7 , Wien

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Eintritt: AK: € 12,-


Attems and Friends present:

☁ ☁ ☁ ✈ ☁ WHATS:THE:TIME? ☁ ☁ ☁ ✈ ☁

The right time for the perfect drink.

The right time for the perfect music.

The right time for the perfect flight.

Lift off with Attems and Friends every Saturday at LVL7. Our Pilots bring you the best of house, mashups and electronic music. Let us fly you through the perfect night... be sure to expect turbulence!

✈ Airline: LVL7
✈ Departure: Saturday 03.03.2012, 22:00

✈ Pilot: Philipp Van Het Veld
✈ CoPilot: Tim Anderson

☁ In-flight entertainment: Ola Egbowon - Live house vocals
☁ Flight plan visuals by: Dazedstyles
☁ Economy class: € 12

★★★ First Class Onboard Upgrade: € 20 ★★★
- Priority Boarding - Welcome Longdrink - Access to Sky Lounge

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