sorella "So over the bridge from Flushing to the Sheffield's door, She was there to sell make up but the father saw more, She had style, she had flair, she was there, That's how she became the Nannyyyyyy." ....guad dass wia ned sötsom san, sonst miaßat i ma jetz nu gedonkn mochn, hihi 21.01.2007 13:41
Sharingan "what was she to do? where was she to go? she was out on her fanny..." 17.01.2007 19:16
carina90 "in Flushing, Queens... Til her boyfriend kicked her out in one of those crushing scenes... " 17.01.2007 19:08
sorella hihi- nu vüüüü bessa *she was working in a bridal shop....sing* 17.01.2007 19:06
carina90 i hob ned in reli aufpasst, i hob "die nanny" gschaud :D 16.01.2007 22:08
sorella ma, vadommt... do hot wer aufpasst in religion^^.... ok.... oba es schaut trotzdem genial aus.... und des mit de siebn leuchten kena ma jo beim nächstn auftritt moch.... so ois ausbaustufe vo diesem moi^^ 16.01.2007 21:30
carina90 der hod oba 7 leuchten ;D 16.01.2007 20:59
sorella des schaud aus wie a lebendiga chanuka-leuchta xD 16.01.2007 20:07
21.01.2007 13:41
17.01.2007 19:16
17.01.2007 19:08
17.01.2007 19:06
16.01.2007 22:08
16.01.2007 21:30
16.01.2007 20:59
16.01.2007 20:07