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Kommentare (6 Kommentare)

  • AthenadoraVolturi_ AthenadoraVolturi_ and sasha was all time of her short *traurig* life a human-blood-drinker : nonveggie.., when she created her beautiful three daugters, she was killed by the volturi, cause she has created unsterbliche kinder,and that was forbidden.the volturi verschonten the three..irina,kate and tanya....they had a shock for their life....
    03.03.2013 10:35
  • BreeNomad BreeNomad but bevor you got a denali ;) you are a nomad
    30.08.2010 18:38
  • SulpiciaVolturi_ SulpiciaVolturi_ i thought that denali´s are veggies.?
    05.08.2010 08:19
  • AthenadoraVolturi_ AthenadoraVolturi_ ..rote augen..*gg*
    03.03.2013 10:35
  • BreeNomad BreeNomad wow^^
    18.02.2010 19:44
  • BreeNomad BreeNomad wow^^
    18.02.2010 19:44