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Midwest Teen Sex Show

in diesem Monat 10 mal betrachtet

Midwest Teen Sex Show gegründet am 16.12.2007
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Why a show on teen sexuality?
Teens and sex. It happens. Not every teen is having sex and not every teen is abstaining. We hope the Midwest Teen Sex Show will create a space for frank discussion of all things related to teen sexuality. Broadcast media shies away from any real exploration of the topic, and they forget that not all teens live in Orange County.

Is this sex education?
Sort of–we like to call it sex information. We’ll leave the formal education to classrooms and textbooks. Midwest Teen Sex Show is here to provide sex information in a clear and entertaining way. We won’t pretend to be experts, but hopefully a few of our own embarrassing experiences and insights will keep you out of trouble.

Where’s the porn? I was looking for porn!
Sorry, you will not find any porn here. If you are under 18, you don’t need to be looking for porn. Use the internet for schoolwork and good! There will always be time for porn when you’re in college.

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