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~[ n0w ii´m sTandiinq on tHä ro0ftoP reaDiY to faLL ]~

in diesem Monat 2 mal betrachtet

~[ n0w ii´m sTandiinq on tHä ro0ftoP reaDiY to faLL ]~ gegründet am 25.10.2008
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Hold on slow down again from the top now and tell me everything
I know I've been gone for what seems like forever
But I'm here now waiting
To convince you that I'm not a ghost of a stranger
But closer than you think
She said just go on to watch you
pretend is your life
Please don't die on me

Wings won't take me
Heights don't phase me
So take a step
But don't look down
Take a step

Now I'm standing on a rooftop ready to fall
I think I'm at the edge now but I could be wrong
I'm standing on a rooftop ready to fall

... lalalalala ....

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