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On The Streets

in diesem Monat 6 mal betrachtet

On The Streets gegründet am 12.05.2008
Perg, Oberösterreich Land:AT
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Walking down the subway, at the week-end
After a good night on the town
There's gangs over here, gangs over there, there's gangs everywhere
You'd better watch out if your on your own
It's the day of the boys dressed in blue
You'd better watch out if one of them looks at you

On the streets, of our towns
On the streets, all around
On the streets, everywhere
On the streets, makes you scared

Standing in a concert, having a good time
Paid your money out to see the show
In come the cops, looking for trouble because your white men
Would you believe that this was Britain '84
It's the day of the boys dressed in blue
You'd better watch out if one of them looks at you

You never see politicians out there, standing on the streets
They don't care if your kids are fed, or got shoes upon their feet
They don't know what's happening, they don't see what's going on
If they did, they'd all be screaming, what the hell is going on

People seem to th

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