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Ich hab nichts gegen Hip Hop, aber ich hör lieber Musik

in diesem Monat 10 mal betrachtet

Ich hab nichts gegen Hip Hop, aber ich hör lieber Musik gegründet am 27.11.2007
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...für alle, die darauf bestehen, dass es einen Unterschied zwischen Hip Hop und Musik gibt.

"I fucking hate it, all the people that make that kind of music and all the people that buy it. When you see the videos of some guy throwing 100 dollar bills over a naked woman lying on a bed with a dog leash around her fucking neck... what the fuck is all that about? … The critical thing about these fuckers is they go on about 'increase the peace' and getting kids to stay in school, but they're all raving crack heads. It's a fake form of music to me, and they're all a bunch of idiots anyway."
(Noel Gallagher)

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