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Life means being All-in

in diesem Monat 8 mal betrachtet

Life means being All-in gegründet am 05.02.2008
Wels (Stadt), Oberösterreich Land:PFI
Art der Mitgliedschaft
nur mit Einladung von Gruppen-Adminstrator
Art des Zugriffs
Öffentliche Gruppe


This group is dedicated to the Crème de la crème as a response to all of those so-called river fuckers...

When someone has a huge dwell up seemingly every hand is he: a. Trying to work out pot odds? b. Looking for a tell from his opponent? c. Working out how he is going to throw his hand to the dealer when he folds? d. Trying to remember if he let the cat out and turned the gas off before he left home?

You can't eat value.

Soft playing ruins the game and is essentially cheating. By all means swap 10% with your mates or slip them a oner if you win a tournament, but by not trying to eliminate them when you have the best hand you are cheating all the other players. Play your A-rated game at all times. If you are not able to play at your best, don't play at all... otherwise you gonna lose all of your quid.

All in all, keep up the mantra: "If you haven't got it, they probably have".

Cheers, p

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