. . .

abc . easy as 123 . now baby do re mi . Abc , 123 baby you and mee qiirL ..

in diesem Monat 2 mal betrachtet

abc . easy as 123 . now baby do re mi . Abc , 123 baby you and mee qiirL .. gegründet am 11.09.2009
Melk, Niederösterreich Land:AT
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Öffentliche Gruppe


ah buh buh buh buh buh
ah buh buh buh buh buh
you went to schooL to learn qiirL . what you never never knew beFore .
like I beFor E excepT aFter C .
why 2 pLus 2 makes 4.nana .
i'm qonna teach you .
[teach you, teach you]
aLL about love girL .
[aLL abouT love]
siT yourseLf down , take a seaT .
aLL you gotta do is repeat aFter me .
abc . easy as 123 , oh simpLe as do re mi
abc , 123 baby you and me qiirL

come on let me love u just a littLe biit.
ii'm qonna teach you how to sinq iiT ouT .
come on. come on . come on .let me show you what it's about .
readinq and writinq , arthimatik .
aLL the branches oF aa learninq tree .
buT lisTen wiThouT the rooTs of love everyday , qirL .
education ain't compLete .
T-T-T-Teacher's qonna show you
[how you qeT an A . how you geT an A.]
leT me show you what you have to do .
lisTen to me baby thats aLL you qotta do .
abc .. it's easy as 123 .. bLa bLa .. und sooh weidah .
abc is easy iTs like counTiinq up to 3

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    abc . easy as 123 . now baby do re mi . Abc , 123 baby you and mee qiirL .. hat noch keine Mitglieder!