Puta Madre Brothers
Di., 07. Jul. 2015 21:00 @ Chelsea Musicplace , Wien - Josefstadt
“Thank God for the Puta Madre Brothers! Hotter than a jalapeno in the desert sun!”
Greasier than a deep fry of nacho cheese, these three dirt-faced gringo brothers from the bottom of the world, wanna-be Mexicanis, each strapped with a razor-edged guitar, a giant kick drum and a donkeyload of foot percussion pack a drunken punch of mariachi rock n roll soul music and lay claim to be the world’s only surviving triple-one-man-band!. All at once, a three-headed one-man-band-band!
These music matadors will sting you with their sharp geetars, conquer you with their infected melodies, beat you nearer to a heartattack with the triple bass-drum-boom and leave you wet on the floor in a pile of destroyed tortilla chips with their three-times-one-man-band thunder! Thirty fingers, six feet, three mouths, and a thousand tubs of hair grease make this band the most electyric experiment in modern entertainment today. You will want to scream and dance and wash your ears in hot sauce.
“weird, wrong, and loud!”= Anthony Morgan, Comedian
Zum ersten Mal im Chelsea: Die (Saloon) Türen öffnen sich für moralbefreite Amateur- und Profi-Outlaws zu den Klängen des Creepy Western-Trash der Saloonies. Verstärkt durch Scott McCloud (Girls Against Boys) und daher mit einer Gitarre mehr im Gepäck werden mit Waschbrett, einer Holzkiste, singender Säge, etwas Bass, dem vierköpfigen Chor der Verdammten und einem gnadenlosen iPod mit Inbrunst Lieder über Schmuggler, Halunken, Sünde, Leben und Tod geschmettert.
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