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Sa., 30. Mär. 2013 21:00 @ ZWE , Wien

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JAZZATOR ist ein junges Trio, bei dem eine Pianistin / Sängerin, ein Bariton-Saxophon-Spieler und ein Schlagzeuger auf eine abenteuerliche musikalische Mission gehen...
Marina Sobyanina – composition, vocals, piano
Oleg Mariakhin – baritone saxophone, electronics
Sergey Balashov – drums, toys
Beginn: 20:00 Eintritt: Musik € 7,--/10,--

JAZZATOR is a young trio in which a pianist/singer, a baritone sax player and a drummer embark upon an adventurous mission of blending together neo-classical music, free improvisation and wild post-breakbeat grooving. The result is a powerful iconoclastic sound and an exciting action that takes place on stage. Original compositions by Marina Sobyanina get further enlivened through improvised acrobatics on the instruments and practical jokes that musicians play on each other and the audience.
JAZZATOR have released two studio albums and are working on their third one, which will be released in 2013
The trio has appeared at European jazz festivals such as Bohemia Jazz Fest (Cz), Jazzwerkstatt (CH) Usadba Jazz (Ru) etc.and has also been involved in a number of interdisciplinary collaborations with theater productions and contemporary dance shows (Moscow Art Theatre, RU, Psilicone Theatre, LT). The band’s leader Marina Sobyanina has shared stage with Bobby McFerrin and Zap Mama as a vocalist and has composed music for a number of theater projects, feature films and different lineups (from bigbands to classical outfits)

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