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Mi., 18. Nov. 2015 20:30 @ Reigen , Wien - Penzing

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Brazilian-born keyboardist, arranger and producer Eumir Deodato has racked up 16 platinum records, while his discography surpasses over 450 albums. After the hit "Also Sprach Zarathustra" (1972 CTI) which catapulted Deodato to international stardom, he had been better know as an arranger for the likes of Jobim, Astrud Gilberto, Wes Montgomery and Frank Sinatra.
His songs have benn covered by George Benson, Lee Ritenour, Sarah Vaughan, to mention jazz a few, and he became a pioneer of the acid jazz movement with the Brand New Heavies and Jamiroquai citing hims as an influence.
For this new tour he will be joined by a top-soul european collective.

1997 wurden die beiden Alben Prelude und Deodato 2 in neu gemasterter Qualität unter dem Titel CTI Master Series als CD neu veröffentlicht. Eine neue Version von Also sprach Zarathustra lieferte die deutsche Band Mardi Gras.bb unter Mitwirkung Deodatos im Jahr 2000. Seit 2001 ist Deodato wieder als Livemusiker zu hören. Jüngere Aufnahmen unter seiner Mitwirkung stammen von Künstlern wie Carlinhos Brown, Ithamara Koorax, Lisa Ono, k.d. lang und Milton Nascimento.(Wikipedia)
AK:30€ (VVK: 25€)

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